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Supporting Daycare Kids' Immune Health with Kinesiology

Updated: Jun 28

Two children holding hands and walking through a field with long grass and trees in the distance.

It seems like it is an accepted norm that daycare kids are always sick and we just have to wait for them to outgrow this stage. What if there was a way to support our kids immune system that works?

The year my eldest was four, he stopped growing. He gained only a few hundred grams during the year and his peers, that he had been taller than, overtook him in height. His poor little body was constantly fighting off and recovering from various illnesses, leaving him with little energy for growth. During this year he had many cold viruses, the flu, slap cheek, and hand foot and mouth twice. When I think back to that time and how helpless I felt; trying to get my child to eat immune supportive foods and swallow various supplements to help him stay healthy, I can still feel the despair. Nothing I did made a significant difference. We'd keep him home for a week to recover then send him off to daycare to catch the next virus. We didn't know how to break this cycle. The added stress of juggling work, limited personal days and still having to pay for daycare, made it a tricky few years.

Discovering Kinesiology as a tool to support my child

As my eldest transitioned to school, he continued to catch frequent illnesses. It was during this time that I began studying kinesiology and started applying these balances to my children's well-being. For my sensitive child, kinesiology balances focused on heavy metal detoxification and nervous system regulation, as anxiety and fear were exacerbating his anger and stress behaviours. By addressing his fight-or-flight response, his anxiety reduced and his anxiety triggered behaviours lessoned significantly. This led to greater calm and harmony in our household and a much happier little boy.

Our immune breakthrough

Over the years, kinesiology became an integral part of supporting my children's emotional and physical well-being. About a year ago, I made a significant breakthrough in my eldest's health. Through muscle monitoring, I discovered that a he had an imbalance with his body's ability to absorb and utilise zinc. A mineral absorption and utilization balance, specifically targeting zinc, was a priority for him. Since this balance, his susceptibility to viruses has significantly decreased, with his last slight cold over five months ago. Not only is he healthier, but his overall happiness has improved, no longer frequently feeling fatigued and awful with lurgies.

Immune Supporting Kinesiology Balances

Kinesiology offers a range of immune-supporting balances that are safe and non-invasive, including:

  • Mineral absorption optimisation, addressing key nutrients like magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D

  • Balancing body systems such as the immune and lymphatic systems, as well as supporting the kidneys for greater hydration

  • Addressing trauma related to the immune system, helping to release emotional and energetic blockages

  • Balancing the freeze response and vagus nerve to alleviate anxiety and fear

  • Deep level hydration to ensure optimal cellular function

  • Detoxifying heavy metals that could impact immune function

  • Candida and other gut bacteria balances to restore healthy microbial environment

  • Resetting survival switches that can suppress the immune system

  • Reducing inflammation, a common factor in many illnesses

Understanding the Holistic Approach

One of the key advantages of kinesiology is its ability to provide customized support for immune health. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, kinesiology recognizes that each person's immune system and terrain are unique and will have different weaknesses. By utilising muscle monitoring and assessing the body's priorities, kinesiology practitioners can tailor their support to address specific imbalances for each individual's overall well-being.


Germ vs Terrain Theory

In the realm of immune health, two prevailing theories have shaped our understanding of how infections and diseases occur: Germ Theory and Terrain Theory.

Germ Theory

Germ Theory suggests that diseases are primarily caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. According to this theory, when harmful pathogens invade the body, they directly cause illness and must be eliminated by our immune system or pathogen killing medicines.

Terrain Theory

Terrain Theory focuses on the internal environment of the body, or the "terrain," as a determining factor in whether or not pathogens can cause disease.

A weakened or imbalanced internal terrain can create a favourable environment for pathogens to thrive, leading to illness.

Factors such as nutrition, stress, toxicity, and emotional well-being all play crucial roles in shaping the body's terrain. The healing priority is on supporting overall health to promote resilience and enhance the body's natural defence mechanisms against pathogens.

Kinesiology aligns more closely with Terrain Theory, emphasizing the importance of the internal terrain and overall well-being in supporting immune health. Instead of solely focusing on eliminating pathogens, kinesiology takes a comprehensive and individualized approach, considering the unique needs and imbalances of each person.


Note: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice.


“I come to you because I experience profound shifts and altered states of remembering who I am unlike any other healing I've opened to.
My soul trusts yours in its work and I feel comfortable and safe with you. Thank you for always holding and guiding that space for me.”

Ashley, Kingston

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