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Welcome to my Healing blog!

Updated: Jun 28

Hi, my name is Shecani.

I'm a kinesiology and energy healer helping to support women and their families release trauma and emotional triggers. During a healing with me, the ultimate aim is to release your blocks/trauma so that you can connect with your true self - the self that exists without all of your survival adaptations.

When we start releasing blocks, it allows more positive states, like joy, to come into our bodies. When we can feel joy, for the simple act of being here and in our bodies, it is life changing!

Imagine: walking down the beach, feeling the breeze on your skin and feeling joy radiating from your heart; playing with your kids and delighting in their presence; being able to generate peace, and a deep feeling of bliss without any external catalyst.

Releasing Trauma & emotions

All of this is possible when we experience deep release of our stored trauma and emotions. There are many different ways of achieving this healing. My approach is to integrate energy healing, kinesiology and somatic experiencing techniques to:

  1. Access the stress or imbalance

  2. Feel it in your body and enquire what it needs to release

  3. Give your body what it needs and then release these stored imbalances

When we let go of the story of what happened and pay attention to our bodies experience of the event, we can find out what your body needs to release and heal.

As we release these held blocks, we start to feel an expanded capacity for joy, connection and vibrant self-expression. Enquiring into our trauma becomes a gateway to profound transformation, rather than something to be feared or avoided.

THis blog

I'll use this blog to post musings about kinesiology, healings, parenting, trauma and anything else I feel inspired to write. I hope you find it informative and helpful.

Please get in touch if you have any queries or requests for further information.


Note: The information provided in this and all following blog posts are for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice.


“I come to you because I experience profound shifts and altered states of remembering who I am unlike any other healing I've opened to.
My soul trusts yours in its work and I feel comfortable and safe with you. Thank you for always holding and guiding that space for me.”

Ashley, Kingston

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